Armadillo(穿山甲)最新通用脱壳机 ArmaGeddon 1.6f(a)

Eddy 发布于2009-10-29 8:43:11 分类: 精品软件 已浏览loading 网友评论0条 我要评论

Current Release: July 2009 v1.6f (a)(final public release!?)
+ Updated Arteam Import Reconstructor (Nacho_dj) version 1.4.5 July 2009
+ Fixed a couple of bugs when searching for any possible overlay

July 2009 v1.6f (final public release!?)
+ new option to specifically exclude using the PE header section's 2nd .text section for consideration in determining the OEP.
+ Updated Arteam Import Reconstructor (Nacho_dj) version 1.4.4 June 2009
+ Improved code when rebuilding imports using relocations data
+ Fixed bug when rebuilding imports using relocations data



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