WinLicense & Themida Release

Eddy 发布于2010-7-23 14:36:48 分类: 网络杂烩 已浏览loading 网友评论1条 我要评论

WinLicense [] (22-Jul-2010)
[+] Redesigned insertion of CodeReplace macros via MAP file
[+] Added API: GetHardwareIDW to get the Hardware ID in UNICODE format
[+] Added API: WLCheckVirtualPC to check if protected application is running under VMWare/VirtualPC...
[+] Improved WLRegRemoveCurrentKey functionality
[+] Improved Import/Export XML projects
[+] Added compatibility with CliSecure applications
[+] Improved command line parsing for XML projects
[+] Improved multithread support for .NET applications
[+] Changed logic for licenses with just one network instances allowed
[+] Added possibility to use external compressor instead of internal one
[+] Server instance is not counted in Network Instances
[+] Improved network licenses when locked to a server
[+] Improved command line protection in case of internal error while protecting
[+] Added support for Trial extension installation under HKLM in Windows x64
[+] Added XML project support for old projects formats
[+] Improved generation of Registry licenses in License Manager
[+] Improved ImplicitImport option in SecureEngine config
[+] Added support to modify the string passed to a "Message DLL" and use Trial/License constants (%daysleft, %machineid...)
[+] Added SecureEngine option "NetInstDecrease" to decrease more than one network instance per instance
[+] Added SecureEngine Config option "XBundlerSkipL2"
[+] Added SecureEngine option "CustomEnv" to set an environment variable to a custom value in runtime
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility with multithreaded applications
[+] XBundler: Improved support in UNICODE functions
[+] XBundler: Added support for DLLs with bigger RAW code section than VA code section
[+] XBundler: Improved dragging of files
[+] XBundler: Improved handling of several embedded files with same name
[!] Fixed correct return value for WLRegDateDaysLeft when expiry license is manipulated
[!] Wrong password message (MsgID36 in Customized Dialog) was not processed by "Control Messages DLL"
[!] Fixed memory allocation error when using CheckCodeIntegrity macro with multiple VM macros
[!] Fixed TYPELIB resources compression
[!] Fixed compatibility issue with AntidumpVM in specific DLLs
[!] Fixed random bug which prevented some Registry trial extension keys from being installed
[!] Fixed WLRegRemoveCurrentKey for Registry keys under Windows XP
[!] Fixed issue stripping relocations in specific .NET applications
[!] Fixed WLRestartApplication in specific .NET applications
[!] Fixed introduced bug in "License Manager" when generating licenses for a different Software
[!] Minor bugs fixed

Themida [] (22-Jul-2010)
[+] Redesigned insertion of CodeReplace macros via MAP file
[+] Added compatibility with CliSecure applications
[+] Improved multithread support for .NET applications
[+] Added possibility to use external compressor instead of internal one
[+] Improved command line protection in case of internal error while protecting
[+] Improved ImplicitImport option in SecureEngine config
[+] Added SecureEngine Config option "XBundlerSkipL2"
[+] Added SecureEngine option "CustomEnv" to set an environment variable to a custom value in runtime
[+] XBundler: Improved compatibility with multithreaded applications
[+] XBundler: Improved support in UNICODE functions
[+] XBundler: Added support for DLLs with bigger RAW code section than VA code section
[+] XBundler: Improved dragging of files
[+] XBundler: Improved handling of several embedded files with same name
[!] Fixed memory allocation error when using CheckCodeIntegrity macro with multiple VM macros
[!] Fixed TYPELIB resources compression
[!] Fixed compatibility issue with AntidumpVM in specific DLLs
[!] Fixed issue stripping relocations in specific .NET applications
[!] Minor bugs fixed

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  1. 发表于2010-8-24 9:38:43


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