【原创】DesktopPlant v2.3.9 破解版

Eddy 发布于2009-11-29 23:11:25 分类: 原创破解 已浏览loading 网友评论3条 我要评论

DesktopPlant 是一个让你可以在桌面上种植花草树木的共享软件,随著使用者的细心照顾,DesktopPlant 也会一天天的茁壮长大;生动逼真的 3D 图形及真实植物生长及环境模拟,真的会让你忘了它只是“电子植物”而已!

Key Features

  • Amazingly realistic growth (realistic plant development depending on water, fertilizer, environmental parameters, etc.)
  • Random effects will guarantee that each plant is unique
  • DesktopPlants are 3D models of a real plants with enhanced visual effects
  • Optimized routines for beautiful photorealistic graphics
  • DesktopPlants grow directly on the desktop - above the selected wallpaper but below the icons
  • Adjustable size and position
  • Many plants can be displayed simultaneously
  • and much more...


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  1. 发表于2010-8-24 11:21:28


    Eddy 于 2010-8-24 15:22:51 回复

  2. 发表于2011-11-3 20:21:30


  3. 发表于2011-11-3 20:25:07

    SORRY ! 我開錯檔案了=ˇ= 感謝大大分享!

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